NPT Resupply Options
A few important notes:

  • This list is correct as of April 14, 2023.
  • Always confirm available services as you plan for your thru-hike.
  • Also note, where hitchhiking is discussed, it is at the hiker’s own risk – hitchhiking is illegal in the state of New York.

Sending a Maildrop to Yourself
Two post offices on the NPT are commonly used for maildrops.
Piseco P.O. is right on the trail and
Long Lake P.O. is a several mile but typically manageable hitch.
If sending General Delivery to yourself, send it as follows:
(Your full name)
c/o General Delivery
full post office address
City, State, Zip

It helps if you put on your box “NPT thru-hiker, approximate arrival around (date)”.

Also, do not put your trail name as your name in the address. Put what is on your ID!

Northville Post Office Piseco Post office* Long Lake Post Office
151 N Main Street 402 Old Piseco Road 1095 Deerland Road
Northville, NY 12134 Piseco, NY 12139 Long Lake, NY 12847
Hours: Hours: Hours:
M-F 9:30 – 1 and 2.30 – 5 M-F 9.45-12 and

1:30– 4

M-F 8.45 – 11.45 and 12.45 – 3.45
Sat 9.30 – 1 Sat 11.30 – 1 Sat 9.30 – 11.45
518-863-4944 518-548-5668 518-624-4567

*Suggested to call and let them know you are sending a box with a contact phone number, so if you don’t show to collect your box they can contact before it gets sent back.

Sending Fuel in the Mail
Generally speaking, it is legal to mail canister fuel, with specific restrictions. Often your local post office will tell you it isn’t. You may have to kindly direct them to their publications.
As of June 2017:
• Fuel canisters can be shipped, but must be shipped ground only. It must be less than 1 liter, and be advised that some postal employees refuse to ship cannisters larger than a 3 inch diameter. It must be butane (which they typically are). They cannot be shipped Priority Mail. Consult with your postal clerk before mailing your package.
• Mark your package (near the general delivery address) “ORM-D, Consumer Commodity, Surface Only”. Package them in bubble wrap or similar so they are stable and low-shock in your box.
• Report honestly what you intend to ship. Refer to USPS Publication 52, section 342.22 a-c (best to print it off from the internet and show them if they question you).
• Liquid fuel (ex. HEET, Coleman) cannot be mailed. Again, please consult your postal clerk before mailing your package.

Resupply Options in Towns
This is not an exhaustive list. If you had a great experience with resupplying or find an error with our list please contact us at [email protected] with the details so we can add new or subtract old resupply points in the future.

Short term resupply (ST) are places where you can get minimal snacks and hiker foods to get you to the next town, but limited options and likely not fuel unless noted.

Long term resupply (LT) as places such as grocery stores or markets with good hiker selections.
The list proceeds from Trail South to North.

Northville, NY
Stewart’s Shop – ST, (typically Heet brand denatured alcohol), gas station on trail near terminus.
Tops – LT – grocery store a few blocks walk from trail terminus.
True Value – may have some basic camping supplies or fuel but should not be counted on without contacting in advance, on Main St.

Five and Dime- selection of camping goods

Piseco, NY
As of this publication Casey’s General Store, a traditionally popular stop for hikers, is closed and for sale. The post office is your best option to send yourself resupply.

Lake Durant Campground, directly on the trail and Rt 28, does not typically hold mail drops and does not have resupply.

Blue Mountain Lake, NY
The Ol’ Station – ST (has stated they will begin stocking Heet fuel), gas station on the corners of 28 and 30, 3.1 miles from trail and is generally a reasonable one road hitch if during daylight hours.
Blue Mountain Rest is a lodging option close to the gas station and the friendly owner “may” be willing to hold a maildrop for you with stay and advanced arrangement. Contact them directly.

Long Lake, NY
Your best bet to hitchhike into Long Lake is to be there with adequate daylight hours. This is an active town and rides to and from the trail are likely with enough time planned for travel. It has several food and a lodging option, and has a laundromat that is a little off the beaten path but a reasonable hitch.

Suggested re-supply from closest to the trail to farthest:
Stewart’s Shop – ST, (typically Heet brand denatured alcohol), gas station, one road hitch of several miles.
Hoss’s – ST+, several food options more catered to tourists but hikers can probably find most of what they need for hiking food and possibly some fuel or other camping items – directly across from Stewart’s.
Adirondack Trading Post – ST+, friendly owner has tried to increase her hiker friendly food and gear supply. Soups and sandwiches also. This is a longer, two road hitch but is in the same small plaza as the laundry and liquor store, and “up the hill” from the Adirondack Hotel, if you plan to stay.
The post office is a longer hitch too, but viable option for re-supply and puts you reasonably near other services if you get dropped off there first.

Lake Placid
An outdoor town with numerous services, though many are spread out. T-max and Topos hostel is just on the edge of town and will provide shuttles to and from both termini of the trail with advanced notice for various fees. EMS is a full service outfitter in town.


  1. Is there any reason the Blue Mountain Lake (zip code 12812) post office is not listed? Odd that it would be left out since it is about half way through

    • Blue Mountain Lake post office is pretty far off the trail. Most people use Piseco, since you walk right by it, and Long Lake, since the town has several conveniences.

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