Special Note to Dog Owners
Hiking with dogs is regulated by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).
According to the DEC in the Adirondacks you should:
- Keep your pet under control.
- Restrain it on a leash when others approach.
- Collect and bury droppings away from water, trails, and camp sites.
- Keep your pet away from drinking water sources.
Furthermore, in the Eastern High Peaks Wilderness Zone, it is mandatory to keep your pet leashed at all times. Not so on the Northville Placid Trail. However, keep in mind that some people are afraid of dogs. Respect their feelings and rights to a safe and enjoyable hike. Also, keep in mind that your dog is part of your hiking party and you must take its abilities into account when planning your trip. Rugged, rocky trails can be tough on paws and long, steep hikes are tiring. Just like you, your dog has to work its way up from easier to more strenuous hikes.