NPT Interactive Map Has Been Updated
The Southern terminus of the trail has now been updated on our interactive map which can be found here on our website.
The Southern terminus of the trail has now been updated on our interactive map which can be found here on our website.
Chapter Annual Meeting It is officially the time of year that we must begin thinking about and start planning for our Annual NPT Chapter Membership meeting. This year that meeting will take place on October […]
Relocation of the Plumley lean to was completed on the weekend of July 8th. Thank you Peter Davis for the photos and thank you to all the volunteers for all your hard work!
Our stewardship chair, Bill, was able to confirm with DEC Forester Tate Connor that the Seward blow down has been cleared. The DEC went in at Shattuck clearing and cleared to the Hermitage. A big thank […]
Lean To Rescue has plans to relocate the lean to that is currently at Plumey Point due to it being flooded off its foundation. It is being relocated to the top of a […]
Subscribe now to our website to get trail updates and new posts directly to your email. Get the latest NPT information as soon as we post it! Please note if you do not see your […]
Thank you Dean Tyrell for the picture submission!
The chapter has just been notified by the DEC that a reroute of the NPT below Plumley’s Point will be started over this summer. Most of it will be on the last private parcel and then some […]
Picture courtesy of Matthew Ginter Thank you Matt Ginter for your picture! It makes you want to get out there and hike! We are still working hard to get a gallery up and running on this […]
The gorgeous picture above of sunset over Long Lake was submitted by trip leader and chapter member, Russ Byer. If any of you have great pictures from the trail and would like to see them […]
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